Friday, March 15, 2002

Last night I received an automated call from Cingular.

"…call us immediately to discuss your overdue bill."

Hhhhmmmm. They're right. I haven't paid them in a long time.

When I called the 800 number, Ms. Cingular and I figured out that I haven't paid them since I moved to the new apartment. We checked to make sure they have the correct address. Everything was correct—except for the last name. They had me listed as Angela R., and I'm now Angela D.

A few weeks ago our angry old postman stopped Jeff and asked him if his wife is Angela R. or Angela D. Jeff explained that both answers are correct, as Angela D. is a new development, but before October, I was Angela R. The grumpy (dick of a) postman growled to Jeff that we need to relabel the mailbox because he won't remember and (insert various passive aggressive mumblings here)…

I didn't relabel the mailbox. I forgot about it, and frankly, I figured the (dick of a) postman would remember the conversation with Jeff. What are the chances of mail being addressed incorrectly to land at another mailbox for which the recipient is ALSO named Angela?!

While talking to Ms. Cingular, it occurred to me that I never received my W-2, as it was addressed to Angela R.

I never received my Cingular bills, and they were addressed to Angela R.

My mail from Nashville has not been forwarded correctly, as it was (you guessed it) addressed to Angela R.


"Oh my God!" I said to Ms. Cingular. "My postman is playing power games with me!" We talked about it for a bit, and she said, "I know this isn't my place, but I would watch out for that guy in case he wants you to be Angela Postman!"

Damned postman.

Oh. Also, Cingular can't change the last name on my bills over the phone, although I knew all of the "secret" information they asked. I have to drag a copy of our marriage license to a Cingular store location, where they "…will be happy to assist" me.

Damned Cingular.